You can spend a great deal of time and money protecting your property from the infestation of unwanted pests by applying the right chemicals and taking proper preventative measures. Or you can call the professionals at Century Termite & Pest Control for a hassle-free pest management service. We'll work with you closely to find out exactly what type of pest control treatment your house needs. Contact us today to request a service!

Keep the pests at bay with Century Termite & Pest Control's pest control insulation services. From attic insulation to basement and crawlspace insulation, rely on our highly experienced professionals for top-notch services.

Don't keep breathing contaminated air and let the professionals at Century Termite & Pest Control remove any mold contamination from your home. Mold is potentially hazardous to your health and has a slight unpleasant smell. Contact us today to perform all mold removal work and repair the damage.

Century Termite & Pest Control's trained team can assess the needs and risks for pest control by following the best practices of Integrated Pest Management. We have successfully treated and cared for over 30,000 homes since 1993. Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer. The customer service is excellent. We had a football-sized hornet's nest tucked into the corner of the house.

Time takes its toll no matter how well constructed your home may be. To walk down your basement steps and put your foot into a pool of water is a nightmare of homeownership. As your foundation settles, walls that had once been secure can begin to leak. Heavy rain can open the floodgates once cracks appear. We offer effective solutions when you need waterproofing on your property since most basement foundations and walls are not made to be watertight. We repair all cracks and seal everything from floor to ceiling to prevent water from leaking in.

Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on human blood. They mainly prey at night and can feed on their host unnoticed. You'll find them on mattresses primarily and can live for up to a year without even feeding. The pest control specialists at Century Termite & Pest Control take an active approach in the removal of bedbugs and offer a FREE inspection with no obligation. Our team has been successfully putting a stop to bedbug infestation since 1995, and also treated over 30,000 homes. Contact us today and we will provide you an estimate after inspecting your property.

Let the experienced professionals at Century Termite & Pest Control help you get rid of a cockroach infestation at your home. Contact us today as our team offers monthly and quarterly roach treatment services. Roach control methods like a combination of liquid non-repellents with new bait formulations are applied by our professionals for effective results. Traps are used to monitor the activity levels that vary from treatment to treatment.

Mosquitoes are more than mere annoyances. They're actually the most dangerous animal in the world, according to the Gates Foundation's findings. Mosquitoes can carry a number of diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, encephalitis and West Nile virus. Thankfully, only a few of these are ever found in America, but mosquitoes are a hazard all the same. These insects lay eggs in stagnant water and can reproduce several times during warmer months. Be aware of places on your property where water can collect and eliminate them to prevent the possibility of mosquitoes.

Century Termite & Pest Control's team has been offering top-notch household pest control services since 1993. Serving our customers throughout the Sterling, VA, we have successfully treated and cared for over 30,000 homes. You can expect our team to treat crickets, spiders, camelback crickets, and many other household pests with great efficiency. Our pest specialists will power spray the perimeter of your home and treat the interiors as well. The technicians are always careful when they walk through the garden area and are willing to respond to inquiries for further information regarding their service such as which products they are using.

What's new?

Posted on Dec 02, 2015  •  Twitter

That's right even with all the snow we've had the Bug's are still going to be Bad this year!

Posted on Mar 09, 2015  •  Twitter

Scientist Discovers Puppy-Sized Spider in Rainforest

Posted on Oct 21, 2014  •  Twitter

Check these Black Widows out. I would not want to get bitten by one of these!

Posted on Oct 20, 2014  •  Twitter

Thousands of Venomous Spiders Force Family from Home

Posted on Oct 11, 2014  •  Twitter

New Shirts for Breast Cancer awareness month

Posted on Oct 03, 2014  •  Twitter

The Brown Recluse is a native in Virginia.

Posted on Jul 23, 2014  •  Twitter

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