Since 1990, Pleasant Valley Landscapes, Inc. has specialized in the design and care of beautiful lawns and landscaping for both residential and commercial properties throughout Northern Virginia. Our highly trained teams have a comprehensive knowledge of plants, lawn products and maintenance strategies and can help your property looks its best year-round. As a full service lawn care company, we provide an opportunity for all of your lawn and landscape needs to be met with one company, thus providing scheduled and coordinated services.
NALP, the National Association of Landscape Professionals, is a national association serving lawn care professionals. NALP provides its members with a good business foundation to help them evaluate, plan, and better manage their companies. The Snow & Ice Management Association is a North American trade association for snow & ice industry professionals. SIMA is the resource that raises awareness through networking and education.
At Pleasant Valley Landscapes, Inc., we understand that each property is different. That's why we offer comprehensive Grounds Maintenance services to meet your year-long needs and keep your property looking its best through all the seasons. Hand weeding, pruning, flagging of irrigation heads, leaf & debris removal, removal off excessive mulch build-up, reviewing work to be done with supervisor or foreman, etc. Services will be provided "as needed". Pricing will vary dependent upon the time of year and condition of the property at the time service(s) are performed, and will be prorated by the man hour.
Our Basic and Deluxe Lawn Care and Fertilization Programs assist you in keeping your turf healthy year round. Merit is a preventative grub control product that has a 4 month residual in the soil for protection of your lawn against grub damage. This is highly effective, and an extremely safe product. This is a one time application for the season. This is not recommended very often secondary to the cost. Please call or email if you have any questions. This service is highly recommended every fall by both the Virginia Tech and University of Maryland turf schools.
Landscape Lighting installation is an excellent way to add subtle beauty to your landscape and gardens. Our lighting installation can include items such as up lighting, down lighting, path lights, step lights, garden lanterns and in ground lights. We provide free consultation and designs. In addition, we utilize excellent design and installation techniques. A All connections will be soldered and weather proofed. Most companies (including our competitors) use "so-called" weatherproof connectors. Soldering is much more effective.
Our Tree/Shrub Care and Fertilization Program is designed to care for your ornamental trees & shrubs. PVL, Inc. uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to all treatments. This means your landscape will be inspected and treated as needed for undesirable pests with you and the environment in mind. It includes 5 applications as described below. This is a safer product than general insecticides and is applied to trees and shrubs that have a history of and/or are susceptible to insect damage.
We specialize in the design and implementation of exterior spaces that enhance your outdoor living experience. If you value imaginative thinking and scrupulous attention to detail, you'll be attracted to the way we work. Our designs create stunning and innovative landscapes that mesh with your lifestyle. Call us to schedule an appointment with one of our Landscape Designers. He/She will meet with you to discuss your project, review your requirements and provide advice and recommendations. The Designer will provide detailed proposals including a professional landscape blue print.
David Miller and the PVL team did a FANTASTIC job of installing my new flagstone walkway and landscaping. I am looking forward to seeing everything settle in and take firm root. Thank you David for a beautiful design, too!
Free Landscape and Lighting Consultation 💐🌻🌹🌺 - https:// aea9771feb78/ free-landscape-a nd-lighting-con sultation
Free Landscape and Lighting Consultation 💐🌻🌹🌺 - #landscaping #hardscaping #lighting #spring…
This is a project we did last was a backyard that had no practical use because of only 18' of space on a 2:1 slope. It was a challenge to turn this space into something functional, but we met our clients needs by creating a tiered and under deck patio using Techo-bloc 'mini creta' walls,...
Happy Holidays! - https:// 70921c0e4fc3/ happy-holidays
Happy Thanksgiving! 🍗🌽🍞 We are forever grateful for your patronage over the years! We wish you a joyous holiday wit…
Phone lines are down! Send us an email at -
Leaf Removal Information 🍂🍂🍂 - Contact us for more information! #timetorake #leafremoval…
Fall Flowers and Spring Tulips! 🌸🌺🌷 - #annuals #tulips #pansies #flowers #pvl…
Important Watering Information 🌸🌿 -