Architectural services are comprehensive in scope from conceptual design through construction and post-occupancy evaluation. Programming, master planning, facility assessment, value engineering, CAD, and 3D modeling are all capabilities of the architectural group that are provided when called for by the nature, scope or complexity of a project. All services provided include management, design and technical overview by the principal architect. The planning process typically addresses salient land use, transportation, utility, economic and environmental issues.
Our upcoming high rise projects in Detroit and Houston!
We're building a new boutique hotel!http:// www.starbeacon.c om/news/ hotel-receives-t ax-abatement-ri ver-bend-to-off er-rooms-with/ article_f9e2c948 -1363-11e9-a2c2 -57c8cd26108f.h tml
City Planners have approved plans for this 28 story hotel and condo complex designed by architect Stephen Berry in collaboration with ICD Sitra of Guadalajara, Mexico. The proposed tower (on the left) is an expansion to the Crown Plaza Pontchartrain Hotel located in Detroit’s historic Civic Center....
We were featured in The Business Journal! https:// businessjournald boardman-archite ct-designs-univ ersal-orlando-r esort/
We’re almost open at the Hyatt House Orlando Universal!