GEOTILL's services to the hydropower generation industry grew out of our rich history in geotechnical engineering, which positioned us to be an outstanding firm in dam engineering. Under the regulatory authority of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the hydro industry must comply with rigorous national standards for the design, operation and maintenance of dams and storage reservoirs, as well as the canals, flow lines, and penstocks associated with hydro projects. GEOTILL's focus on the safety aspects of hydropower including dam and facility inspections, evaluations of potential safety issues and design and construction of remedial measures to improve safety and operational reliability.
Flood management planning and design of flood control facilities has evolved in recent years. Today, management of floods include planning and construction of facilities such as dams and detention facilities, coordinated operations of the reservoirs with flood control reservations, improvement of flood channels and levees, watershed management and proper land use planning. GEOTILL offers a team of specialists with expertise in surface and subsurface drainage, as well as in flood hydrology and flood control facilities.
Canals are the primary structural element for most large scale water conveyance systems. Most modern canals are concrete lined earth channels that convey large quantities of water at relatively low velocities. The concrete lining improves hydraulic capacity and at the same time limits water loss through seepage. Canals are the most cost-effective means of transporting large quantities of water. Having designed many miles of canal structures, GEOTILL has extensive, relevant, and recent experience in canal design and construction management, earning some of our staff international recognition for their work.
Are you a driller looking at adding a soil testing service to your business? If you've been in the drilling business for any length of time, or if you've been involved in drilling around sites that are being prepped for construction or development - you may have crossed paths with a Cone Penetration Test (CPT) operation. If you have been curious about this service, you probably noticed that the operating conditions of CPT are pretty comfortable. You may have also heard that the daily rates or rates charged per foot of depth for CPT are usually quite a bit better than what you can get for drilling.
GEOTILL provides geotechnical engineering consulting for many construction projects including power, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings and structures; dams, levees and pipelines; tunnels, highways and bridges, and construction-related structures such as slurry walls and excavation support systems. Many of these projects draw on GEOTILL's diverse specialty expertise, fields that are highly synergistic with our comprehensive knowledge of soil behavior, water groundwater flow, and earth science.
Our Professional Engineers and certified technicians, provide professional recommendations based on their experience and knowledge of the properties and composition of the different materials. Geotill is proud to offer an experienced staff of technicians and inspectors providing field construction testing and inspection in Indiana. Areas of expertise include grading and soils compaction; installation of shallow and deep foundation systems, tiebacks installation; batching and placement of Portland cement concrete and asphaltic concrete; floor flatness testing and field instrumentation.
GEOTILL Engineering is a leader in pavement engineering. Through years of pavement research and design on programs like the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program, the firm presents a wealth of experience in pavement evaluation, design, construction, and preservation. Geotill's Pavement Engineering Group offers state-of-the-practice services and equipment. Clients benefit from the experience of our engineers, who have managed large and small projects around the world for public and private entities.
Foundation engineering is a principal specialty of GEOTILL. Our foundations design experience has included a wide range of high- and low-rise buildings in urban environments. In addition to building foundations, our experience includes a variety of transportation-related projects ranging from bridge foundations to tunnel design, and power plant site characterization and foundation design. Over the years we have worked with foundation contractors to provide specialized construction techniques to prevent damage to nearby utilities and buildings.
Thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot to us. Onwasrds and upwards into the next month!
Happy New Year! All the best to you, your friends and family!
新年快乐! Happy New Year! Bonne Année! あけましておめでとうございます ! Ein gutes neues Jahr! Buon anno! Feliz ano nuevo! Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος! Godt Nyttår! Bonan Novjaron!
*** Merry christmas! Bon noël!, Fröhliche Weihnachten!, Feliz navidad!, Buon natale #Xmas ***