Signature's formula for success starts with its people. Signature, unlike many other multi-family builders, only employs degreed construction professionals. This starts with the onsite personnel and runs through the rest of our construction team. All on-site personnel in a management roll have a four year building construction management degree, or equivalent. Signature's on-site construction professionals are educated and trained to handle the wide array of problems, issues, people and personalities necessary to successfully complete a project on time, within budget and with a high level of quality.

Construction by its nature is dangerous and the last thing anyone would want to see happen is a serious injury on your job site. That is why Signature leads the way in safety. Signature's detailed safety program is administered by our in-house Safety Director. The Safety Director oversees safety on each project to provide random unannounced objective job site inspections, subcontractor preconstruction safety meeting coordination, monitoring of Signature self-inspection requirements, accumulation of Signature and subcontractor historical safety information and the ongoing training of Signature personnel.

As one of the leading affordable housing General Contractor's in the industry, Signature Construction has constructed thousands of units utilizing a multitude of green building standards and disciplines from around the country. Through these green building initiatives and partnerships, Signature Construction has committed itself to the implementation of environmentally conscious, user friendly, cost effective green building materials and methods. As an industry leader in the affordable housing process, we continue to push the "green" envelope on every project and recognize the importance of green building strategies and their impact on items such as water conservation, energy efficiency, production of environmentally friendly materials, depletion of natural resources, healthy living environment and quality of life as a whole.

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