Our Solar Screens can significantly improve your air-conditioning efficiency by shading your home's windows from the heat of the sun. By shading your home's windows with our solar screens, the sun's rays are not able to penetrate your windows, therefore the heat generated by the direct rays of the sun will no longer impact the interior of your home. Additionally, and very importantly, a solar screen will provide shade for the glass itself of your home's windows, therefore eliminating your windows from getting hot {touch your glass now to see how hot it is}.
To take advantage of our incredibly low installed solar screen pricing, all that we ask from you is that you calculate your own estimate. We can help with this ofcourse. We have made solar screen estimating very easy. Your estimate is strictly for you to get a cost, not for us to build our solar screens from. We will come to your house to get our own precise solar screen build measurements once you know what windows you want the solar screens for and you have started an order here with the $50 Measuring Deposit.