Powers Plumbing has been deeply involved in the Mission Hills Community since the early part of the last century and we are here to stay. From being the longest running sponsor of the Presidio Little League to creating the unique walking tour fundraising program Power Walks, we strive to make our San Diego community a better place to live. Our owners are also local historians and wrote the book on Mission Hills. On April 5, 2014, County Supervisor Ron Roberts declared Powers Plumbing Day throughout San Diego County and Mayor Kevin Faulconner declaired August 1, 2014 Powers Plumbing day in the City of San Diego in recognition of our 100th year serving San Diego.
Powers Plumbing has served generations of families throughout San Diego, including Point Loma, Hillcrest, La Jolla, North Park South Park, Downtown and our own neighborhood, Mission Hills. We perform plumbing, gas piping, drain clearing, sewer line camera inspections and repairs, water and heating services. Because our clients' properties range from homes built in the late 1800's to new renovations, we have experience with a great variety of plumbing and old style heating systems. Our business story was a feature during Small Business Saturday with this video introduction about our values.
In an Emergency our staff rotates our on-call schedule and is ready to help. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year when you need help now! Call our office if we are closed we have our hotline number on the voice mail for your convenience. Call us now for a message that gives you the hotline number. It's easy to take hot water for granted, until you have to go without it for a day. Whether you're looking for a tankless water heater, or a traditional tank type water heater, we can help.
For the past 100 years, Powers has been synonymous with plumbing, but don't forget that we can help with your gravity type heater repairs too. Gravity systems are the old style floor furnaces and wall heaters that do not use a blower motor but just rely upon heat rising to heat the area. These systems are common along the coast. Whether you are looking for a new floor furnace or wall heater or are having trouble with your current gravity style heater, give us a call and our experienced professionals will make sure you are comfortable all year long.
Since 1914, Powers Plumbing has been on a mission to provide exceptional high quality plumbing services for the San Diego communities we serve. We are deeply connected to our historic Mission Hills community and are proud to serve multiple generations of families throughout San Diego. We continue to strive to be the best plumbing shop in San Diego by living up to high ethical standards that have been passed down to us through generations of honorable service. We hope that you will call us and choose us to assist you with your plumbing needs.
Kitchen and bathroom remodeling is a large part of what we do, and over the years we've seen it all. Every day we work on renovation projects ranging from homeowners looking to replace a faucet, to commercial property managers looking for a major overhaul. Sometimes we get involved in some very interesting plumbing projects. Whether it's updating a kitchen from the 1880s or a bathroom in a sleek, modern condo, our focus is on providing you with an extraordinary result with your remodel that will serve you for years.
File this under, "What could go wrong?" - I don't know, mom has high heels on, where is her hubby at, he could help her, maybe he is still at the "office" working hard.#keepitorditchit #oldhouselove #oldhouseplumber
Bing bing bing, I think we have a winner for ugliest kitchen in history! #keepitorditchit
Nothing says cool bathroom like a pirate-theme! Keep it or toss it overboard? #oldhouselove #keepitorditchit
Just one question, what the heck does the periscope actually do? Does it lower itself into the bathtub as you can a nice bubble bath? Sea art is always a hit in the bathroom, right? #oldhouselove #sandiegoplumber