Do-It-Yourself Pest Control, Inc. dba PESTOP was founded in Baton Rouge in June 1993. It was the first retail store in Baton Rouge to offer Professional Strength Pest Control products to Residential and Business owners. PESTOP is now the one of the largest retailers of professional strength pest control products in the south. Tested - PESTOP carries a full line of professional strength pest control products frequently used by exterminating companies. These products are sold directly to residential and business owners resulting in "a cost savings of up to 70%" Average Savings, when compared to fees charged by services companies.
Recently a customer walked into one of our stores and greeted the manager with a single word: "Fleas!". These troublesome pests present a special problem, in that their life cycle makes it especially difficult to produce a long lasting solution. The key to effective flea control is targeting the pre-adult stage as this will account for up to 90% of the entire flea population. Some of the typical host for fleas are: dogs, cats, rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, raccoons, oppossums and humans.
Two questions you'll want to answer in determining treatment options for rodent problems are: "how are they getting in?" and "where are they harboring?". Rodents typically build nests near food surfaces and can enter through the smallest of openings, including under door clearances and openings around water lines, a/c ducts, drain pipes and vents. A rodent infestation should not be taken lightly. These creatures have been known to cause millions of dollars in structural damage, including fires. Over 2000 species of rodents have been counted, all sharing one distinctive trait: a compelling need to gnaw and chew.
This doesn't just happen in underdeveloped nations. This is a reality for an increasing number of Americans. If you have ever experienced bed bugs, you may be embarrassed and frustrated, but it's not your fault. Bed bugs can appear in anyone's home - even the White House. After bed bugs are brought into your home, they survive by feeding on any warm blooded animal. That includes your kids, your pets, and you. Bed bugs are more active at night when you're sleeping. In the middle of the night when you are unable to defend yourself, bed bugs are crawling into your bed and biting you.