Our company uses Canine Termite Detectives to locate the presence of active termites in your home. We also provide commercial and residential pest control, termite inspections, Wood Infestation Reports (WIRs), and termite treatments for both pre- and post construction. In addition, our friendly and professional staff is here to answer any questions you may have about our company or our services. Whether you need quarterly pest control, termite protection, or a Wood Infestation/Destroying Organism Report we have what you need at prices you can afford.

Hadley Termite & Pest Control, Inc. provides Canine Termite Inspections for all of Baldwin and Mobile County, AL. Termite inspections are traditionally performed by a knowledgeable, trained termite specialist. Using knowledge of termite habits, careful attention to detail, and a flashlight, termite inspectors look for signs of termite activity. We take that formula one step further and add a trained canine termite detective to the home inspection mix. Dogs can smell what termite inspectors cannot see.

The Common Bedbug - Cimex lectularius - are hitchhikers, which means that someone must physically bring them to your home. They can enter the home in the infested luggage of a guest, or perhaps in infested furnishings brought into the house. Luggage, stored in closets of an infested hotel room, could be the place the bugs go to after feeding, and once inside a suitcase it is almost impossible to see them. Moving vans are prime suspects for moving bedbugs around the country; trasfering bedbugs from one person's possessions into the next customers belongings.

Whenever we have encountered a Spray Foam Insulation operator, or a product representative, they seem to avoid the main question: Where does water go when a leak happens and you have spray foam insulation? WATER is a major conducive condition for termites. What you see in the pictures below is what happens when there is a water leak in an attic with spray foam insulation. In this particular case, some 4-legged creature(s) (possum, racoon, host of squirrels, etc.) had been making their homes in the insulation.

The Graphic to your right illustrates the level of termite activity in the United States. Red indicates the highest level of termite activity. Notice that we, here in Lower Alabama, are smack in the middle of all that red-ness. What that means for you, the homeowner, is not to take chances. Termites are not an "if" down here - it is "when" and "how much damage" do the termites do once the get into your home. Let's play a game now. We'll play "Let's Pretend". Let's pretend that you have bought a brand new home, a metal frame building in fact.

Fleas are hard to get rid of once they have invaded your home. Fleas have a complete life cycle, which means that they start off as an egg, hatch into a larvae, cocoon into a pupae and then hatch into an adult. In two phases of that life cycle, the egg and the pupae stages, the flea is virtually un-kill-able. The thick "skin" of the egg and the pupae won't allow chemical to penetrate, and they can linger indefinitely in those stages until conditions are right for them to eat and reproduce. Hadley Termite & Pest Control always, Always, ALWAYS stresses to vacuum your home before and after treatment.

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