Creating your dream lawn starts with the right care. Your grass relies on more than sun and water to grow hearty, robust, and abundant; it needs proper nutrition. Our Michigan fertilizing and lawn treatment services provide your grass with the sustenance it needs to grow healthier and greener all season long. At D&G Nature's Way, we are proud to partner with our customers to develop the best solutions and treatment plans for your specific lawn needs. We are as dedicated to our customers as we are the environment.
Creating a healthy lawn starts with ridding your landscape of any weeds, insects, or diseases that are stopping your grass from growing thick and strong. At D&G Nature's Way, we are experienced in creating solutions for your various lawn problems. We will utilize this knowledge to create a lawn treatment plan that will work for you. With the right solution, your grass will be green, vibrant, and free of contaminants. Determining the best lawn treatments starts with understanding your lawn and its issues.
Your lawn is a living organism. Like most living beings, it needs water, sunlight, and food to thrive. Regular lawn fertilizing will help build a turf that is strong and healthy. When your lawn has the nourishment it needs, it will have a more complex root structure and be more resistant to weeds and summer fungus. At D&G Nature's Way, we only utilize fertilizer of the highest quality to provide your lawn with the nutrition and sustenance it needs to grow thicker and more lush all season long. To best feed your lawn, our experienced technicians apply our fertilizers to your lawn every 4 to 6 weeks, providing your grass with the food and nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.
Having moles in your yard can wreak havoc on your lawn. With their large front hands and claws, they have the ability to burrow the length of a football field in one day, searching for food. This causes unsightly tunnels and root damage to your turf. At D&G Nature's Way, we are experienced in mole control and can eradicate the moles inhabiting your landscape and repair the damage. We utilize a baited application that is placed within the active tunnels to control soil and turf damaging moles. Once eradicated, we can continue to monitor your landscaping to keep any mole activity at bay, protecting your grass and ensuring a beautiful yard all season long.
The appearance of weeds in your yard can disrupt the beauty and health of your landscape. As the Michigan weather warms up, weeds begin to thrive. Removing these unwanted plants can be painstaking and frustrating. At D&G Nature's Way, we utilize our weed control services to remove these nuisance plants before they spread and damage your turf. Most weeds are able to produce hundreds of seeds that can spread throughout your lawn. These unwanted plants will rob your grass of nutrients and disrupt the appearance of your landscape.
Pests, insects, and moles can not only damage your property, they can migrate into your home. Keeping unwanted bugs out of your house protects your family and pets from the irritation and possible diseases that they carry. At D&G Nature's Way, our experienced technicians provide you with solutions. With our variety of pest control plans, we reduce or eliminate the amount of insects invading your home. Insects bites are not only itchy and annoying, but they can potentially carry diseases that can harm your family and pets.
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