Your residential and commercial cleaning services are performed by professional employees using state-of-the-art equipment with quality, proven results.
It's Diamond Clean's powerful, truck-mounted cleaning system that makes the difference. Your residential and commercial carpets and floors are cleaned with state-of-the-art equipment. All of your cleaning is done with this truck-mounted system, rather than the portable machines that are frequently used on the market today. This process allows deep and thorough cleaning, with a minimal amount of water, so your drying time is short as possible. Your carpet cleaning includes as a standard procedure, pretreatment and scrubbing, prior to the hot water extraction.
Does your dryer shut off before the timer runs out? Is there a visible accumulation of lint behind the dryer? If so, you may need to have your dryer vent cleaned. Other signs include the vent cover flap not opening during the drying cycle, the clothes feeling hotter than usual, and longer drying times. If your dryer vent is clogged with lint, it poses a fire hazard to you and your family. When you let Diamond Clean do the job, you get complete cleaning for your dryer vent duct. The main benefit from having your residential or commercial dryer vent professionally cleaned is a reduced risk of fire, but it also SAVES money.
Have your residential or commercial furniture cleaned with our truck-mounted system. The same system that produces such amazing results with your carpet. The power behind our system exceeds anything that smaller machines can produce, so your furniture is cleaned deeply and thoroughly. Your stains and pet issues will get special attention as well. Your furniture will not only be visibly clean, but this cleaning will remove dust and other allergens that can live on your furniture. Your furniture will also smell clean.