100% Money Back Guarantee: All of our work is backed by our!00% money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our cleaning services, we will return immediately and re-clean the area. If you are still not completely satisfied, we will refund you money with no questions asked.
Scott's Cleaning Services is proud to call Redlands, Ca. home, and it is our goal to see that your home remains clean and free of germs and toxins. You won't always see it, but daily traffic on your carpets leaves behind dirt and grime that, when it builds up, could leave a lasting effect on your health. Vacuuming helps, but it doesn't necessarily remove everything. Daily wear and tear, along with spills and stains, can lead to permanent damage of your carpet fibers. Not having your carpets regularly cleaned also increases allergens in your home since your carpets will trap dirt, dust, and pet dander.
Most people spend more time in their office than at their own home. It is also said that indoor pollutants can be worse because the air does not replaced or cleaned. Having your commercial carpet cleaned can not only help with unsightly spills or traffic areas, but can also make your office healthier to work in. At Scott's Cleaning we specialize in commercial carpet cleaning. Depending on the amount of traffic, the type of work areas that are next to carpeted areas, and the daily maintenance program, commercial carpet may need to be maintained yearly, quarterly or monthly.