Bells and whistles are nothing more than a way for other manufactures to make additional money from you. After reading our information in this popup window please take some time to view our Blind Cleaning Video Presentation on the Homepage along with the rest of our website, and you will see what we mean about choices. Questions like, do you service your customers with pick-up and delivery? As you drive around your own town look at all the blinds that need cleaning. Within this website you will see all the opportunities there are in our industry for cleaning, repairing, installing, and even selling blinds.
It quickly became apparent that the manufacturers in the industry were not properly equipped to train in the area of cleaning blinds. In the rapidly growing industry of window blinds, new products are continually being introduced into the marketplace. With the introduction of these new blinds, new cleaning techniques are required. At, it is our commitment to continuously research and test new ideas and pass them on to its network of blind cleaners.
Blinds are everywhere. Homes, Restaurants, Hospitals not to mention all of the Commercial Buildings. While driving around in your own Town or City, take a look at all the blinds that are in need of cleaning. Legitimate business opportunities are hard to find. There are so many false profits out there that genuine business opportunities are lost in the shuffle. Blinds are and will be the number one choice for window treatments. That's what makes the Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning business opportunity so amazing.
Love this company. Jack Ballway in Charlotte NC has always been on point!
This is a used 16 ft turn-key trailer built by us. This trailer is priced to sell. All of our used equipment sells quickly because of its quality construction. This trailer can either have your own lettering or our 3D wrap
Looking for a Blind Cleaner. Blind Installer or in need of Blind Repairs? Check out BlindCleaners.c om ! If you would like to list your business on BlindCleaners.c om give us a call at 1-800-976-6427.