If you've been searching for a Silver Spring landscaper your search is over. The Loughridge Landscapes company provides private gardening and landscaping services to residential and commercial property owners in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Potomac and Silver Spring, Maryland. Our landscaping services include design, installation and maintenance programs. We'll recommend and help you select the plants, trees and shrubs that will best fit your landscaping dreams and desires. We also provide landscape design services as well as lawn maintenance  programs which include aerating, over-seeding and the top-dressing of your lawn.

Loughridge Landscapes can evaluate the condition of your lawn and make recommendations for appropriate care. The first thing to determine is what you want from your lawn. Does it have to be 100% weed free, or can you live with some clover? Is it thin in areas? How's the color? Are you trying to grow grass in heavy shade? Do you have irrigation? Have you had a soil sample taken and analyized. These are just some of questions that need to be answered before you do anything. Improper mowing, fertilizing or irrigation can be devastating.

A shrub that requires constant pruning or watering can quickly become a pain. That's why we select and install low maintenance plants that require little in care after they are established. Selecting plants that won't outgrow their space helps to reduce pruning costs. Plants come in all shapes and sizes and have various characteristics and maintenance requirements. Some are evergreen and some are deciduous. Some flower on the current season wood. Others flower on last years. Some plants prefer shade.

Landscape design is not easy. It is more than just drawing pretty pictures. It takes knowledge and experience to design and install a landscape. Many questions need to be asked and answered. A site analysis must be taken. What will it look like in five years? In fifteen years? Will you have to hire a full time gardener or landscape manager to maintain it? Or maybe you are moving within the next year and simply want an affordable landscape makeover? Overplanting is a major mistake of many landscape designs.

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#dmvgardens,#gardens,#Gardenscapes https://t.co/pzIDdiXhBW

Posted on May 31, 2018  •  Twitter

So cool...thx for sharing! https://t.co/WCfbVGc40g

Posted on May 31, 2018  •  Twitter

Meet a Silver Spring Landscaper | Maryland Landscaping: https://t.co/r8AuchKFZN via @YouTube

Posted on Apr 30, 2018  •  Twitter

Loughridge Landscapes #yardcleanupspecial, #silverspring, #landscaper, https://t.co/k0jAIzLvRi

Posted on Mar 30, 2018  •  Twitter

landscaping, lawn and garden maintenance, snow blowing, yard cleanup services available here... reasonable rates.… https://t.co/WCkUeRpyin

Posted on Mar 22, 2018  •  Twitter

Are you a fan? #Thisisus

Posted on Mar 07, 2018  •  Twitter

Contact Scott@ 240-381-0405 when you need a landscaper. Spring Yard Cleanup, Mulching & Lawn & Tree Maintenance.… https://t.co/7FIi7jDhpW

Posted on Mar 07, 2018  •  Twitter

Yard cleanup services can be found here. #silverspring, #yardcleanup, https://t.co/G5F8OqsQn7 https://t.co/H6IeoaVWch

Posted on Mar 03, 2018  •  Twitter

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