Providing you with a wide range of electrical services for residential and commercial customers, we can assist you with electrical problems or projects. MEM Electric has been building a solid reputation of excellence for the past 30 years and continuously follow the highest standards to the community.
We are a family oriented team. MEM Electric has been servicing the Chicagoland area for more than 30 years and continuously achieves the highest standards of quality. When you are planning for your next project, i.e., additional circuits, machinery hook up, new service or lighting a complex, MEM Electric will become a valuable partner.
The fact is, power outages happen more frequently in Illinois than we think. This interruption for homeowners causes food spoilage, loss of communication with phone and computers, flooding, heating, air conditioning, etc. Power loss can be dangerous or fatal for the people who have medical conditions. Avoid the loss of power with a stand-by generator designed to operate vital circuits of your home. Don't be left without power during a storm or major power outage. Call MEM Electric for an onsite inspection so we can determine the generator size and location.