W.B. Guimarin has a long history of supporting South Carolina businesses in a variety of sectors. Each market has its own unique needs and requires a mechanical contractor that can cater its approach. We provide a full array of mechanical services for our South Carolina customers. We contract on both a direct basis to the end user and an indirect basis through a general contractor or construction manager. We're with our clients beyond the construction site as well by providing outstanding service.
Our Strategic Facilities Management team includes licensed experts ready to assess your facility and work with you to provide new ways to reduce the cost of operating your facility. This includes reduced equipment repair costs, capital budgeting, and decreased energy use. Our professionals understand new technologies and how they best can be used in your facility. We have a Small Projects Team under our Service division for retrofits, new construction, and replacement. The team is ready to develop an action plan to provide you with the HVAC system to best suit your needs.
Whether you need us to review completed designs or provide Engineer Assist services, our team of professional engineers are ready to partner with your team. Our engineers use 3D BIM software to design HVAC and plumbing systems that are optimized to your needs. Our Estimating team uses Autobid software to price your project directly from construction documents. We approach estimating with a piece by piece mentality. Documenting the material for each component allows us to help you by suggesting alternative materials and methodologies.