BioSweep completely removes airborne and surface bacteria with BioSweep disinfection technology in your home including smoke, pet urine, and lingering food odors. The BioSweep odor removal solution is 100% natural and uses no chemicals. My mother had four cats and a dog that she loved dearly. She couldn't keep up with them so the house was overtaken with a strong pet urine odor. I hired two carpet cleaning companies that guaranteed they could remove the odor by using powerful chemicals and tools to clean the carpet and subfloor.
BioSweep completely removes airborne and surface bacteria with BioSweep disinfection technology in hospitals, schools, homes, apartments, and hotels. The BioSweep odor removal solution is 100% natural and uses no chemicals. BioSweep Surface Defense offers unparalleled broad-spectrum anti-microbial protection for all treated hospital surfaces against harmful viruses and bacteria such as Staph and E. Coli. The anti-microbial barrier can be certified for up to 1 year when properly applied in your hospital by your local BioSweep provider.
BioSweep of Greater Atlanta's building decontamination and mold clearance technicians are certified mold remediation professionals. Advanced Phocatox Technology allows our team to completely remove mold and the bacteria that causes mold. We recommend BioSweep be deployed after completion of initial cleaning and removal of affected material. After removal of affected materials from the site, a BioSweep certified technician can deploy a mold removal procedure that can be inspected and cleared immediately after our treatment process finishes.
Robert Averette came to our market center yesterday to talk to our agents about mold and odor remediation. I speak for all of us when I say we learned a great deal about the myths of mold, smoke and odor notch class. Thanks so much and I will be sending all my client to them in the future.
This is an amazing Company. Kendall was on-time, professional and great to work with. highly recommend
Superior service from beginning to end. One of my clients suffered some severe water damage that turned into a serious mold issue. Oneighty Solutions Service was affordable and the staff was very committed to meeting my clients needs. I will definitely use Oneighty again in the future.
Motivational Monday: "The secret of getting ahead is to get started". -Mark Twain
Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend!!😂😂#funfridays #fridaynights #timetoparty #theweekend #likeaboxofchoco lates
Reminder: CE Classes are finally here! Robert Averette will break down: The Mechanisms of Odor Transmission, Principles of Deodorization, Common Odor Problems that Affect Property Sales, and What to know about Mold and Proper Remediation. Comment below if your interested and would like to get...