To secure and protect your home against exposure and further damage, we can board up missing windows, walls, and place tarps on damaged roofs. We provide fast, 24/7 emergency service so you can have peace of mind knowing your property has been secured. Water used to extinguish flames can damage your home. We use water extraction equipment, dehumidifiers, and air movers to remove water and dry affected areas. As certified water damage restoration professionals, we know how to mitigate the damage and restore your property back to normal.
When you need carpet cleaned in your home or office, don't trust just anyone - call the high performance professionals! Our trained team of carpet cleaning professionals offer a high quality cleaning service to restore the health and appearance of your carpet. We offer full carpet cleaning including soil removal, spot treatment, and deodorizer treatment. We know that customer satisfaction is an essential part to any business. That's why we make sure you are fully satisfied with the work we do in your home or business.
After a flood or water damage, often comes mold. We know the harmful effects mold can have on you and your family's health. That's why FireStorm makes it easy to remove any mold in your home - giving you one less thing to worry about. The team will assess the affected areas and evaluate how those areas were harmed by mold. Our services include full reconstruction and repairs. After safely removing the water and mold, our expert repair team will restore your home or property back to its former condition.
The harm caused by water damage often reaches far beyond just the damage you can see. Immediately call us for an on-site water damage repair assessment. After assessing the damage, we will work quickly to pump or vacuum out any standing water. Our certified technicians use special equipment to do a thorough job and completely dry the affected areas. Sewage damage can be harmful to your home, health and safety. Our professionals are trained and properly equipped to handle this dangerous problem. Not only do our services include complete removal of black water, but we will also eliminate bad odors and disinfect affected areas.
Professional and caring biohazard remediation service after accidents, suicide, and crime. FireStorm Restoration will help you reclaim a safe and clean home - giving you time to focus on yourself and loved ones. FireStorm Restoration helps property owners of all sizes throughout Central Illinois recover from unexpected disasters, from small basement floods in your home to large commercial property fires; our team is on call and ready to respond.
Now that the cold weather is attempting to make its way out, you can start checking things off your Spring Cleaning…
If you’re struggling with roof or siding damage due to those crazy winds a couple weeks ago, feel free to contact u…
A big Happy Birthday shoutout to our Marketing Director, Kristen! We decided that the best way to celebrate is havi…
Just completed extraction and equipment setup on a big commercial job! Very proud of our crew who was able to parti…
I hope you are keeping warm in frigid weather! Make sure you are keeping an eye on your pipes! Let us know if we ca…
Oh, Baby, it's cold outside 🎶 But really, its 25°..
This time of the year can be pretty stressful. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help get you ready for the holidays!
Thanks everyone for liking our page! Remember, if you have water damage give us a call.....