Cross Land Surveying, Inc. has been providing quality land surveying services in the Santa Clara Valley and beyond since 1977. We concentrate on boundary surveys, topographic Surveys and horizontal/vertical control surveys. Our projects range in size from small private boundary and topographic surveys to large highway, railway and pipeline boundary and topographic surveys. Land Surveying is our only field of endeavor. We are familiar with Bay Area County practices for map filing and document recordation and research.
Cross Land Surveying, Inc. was founded in 1977 by Earl Cross with the objective of providing the best Land Surveying services in and around San Jose. Kristy Comerer succeeded Earl Cross in 1999 after working for Cross Land Surveying, Inc. for 10 years. Even 35 years later, the company still stands behind this objective. All Cross Land Surveying, Inc. employees strictly believe in our motto: The more challenging the work, the more motivated we are. We consistently work on improving our service so that we can find the best solution for our customers.
Cross Land Surveying, Inc. has worked for various companies and municipalities such as the San Jose Water Company, City of Palo Alto, and RMC Water and Environment to provide detailed topographic surveys for the aid in design of replacement sewer projects, water pipeline projects, reclaimed water pipeline projects and street improvements. Many of these surveys are tied to the State Plane Coordinate System through GPS methods and include the location of all above ground physical features as well the invert information for all manholes and possible potholing activities.
Since Earl Cross started this company in 1977, Cross Land Surveying, Inc. has surveyed over 1,400 parcels throughout the valley and has filed over 250 Record of Survey maps and Corner Records. The current key personnel have worked here for over 20 years each and our office and field people are licensed land surveyors. Many of the surveys we perform are for the purposes of determining the property line setbacks, the installation of fences, or boundary line disagreements. We pride ourselves on doing the job right which may involve additional office research of old public records, digging through asphalt and dirt to find the original monuments and setting permanent corner markers when we are done.