Custom One Painting uses the newest techniques, state of the art equipment, and materials. Our team of custom home painters achieve outstanding results in finishing walls, ceilings, and woodwork. Custom One's pre-finishing shop offers a convenient way for builders, remodelers, cabinet makers, building material suppliers, and home owners, to have the work performed offsite eliminating the mess and smell associated with painting on site.
Custom One Painting, Inc. is family owned and operated. Michael Illies Sr. (Owner) and Dave Johnson (President) combined have been in the painting industry for over 40 years. Our business consists of mainly new home builders, remodelers and homeowners. The main office is located at 2543 Marshall St. NE Minneapolis, MN. The status of our business is very strong, due to our commitment to service, quality and leadership. There is always a need for high quality service oriented construction painters.
Custom One is your company for one-stop shopping. We offer new construction, remodel, pre-finishing, exteriors and commercial. We have a crew ready to complete your project whatever it may be. At Custom One, builder timelines are a priority. We meet with you to fully understand your specific needs and expectations and then train and customize our crew to meet those expectations. We pride ourselves on being Solution Oriented and not Blame Focused. We own our mistakes and correct them with no hassle to the builder.