Stay away from areas infested with Zika. When you travel, you are beyond the protection provided by your Texas Mosquito Control misting system. Especially outside of the United States, the Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus carry or "vector" the disease from and infected individual to a healthy individual. Much of our own knowledge and research emanates from our relationships with the experts at Texas A&M Agrilife Extension. Texas' proximity to Mexico and other Latin American countries where Zika is common, making it one of the highest risk areas for Zika in the United States.

Our TMC system is great! Got it in my backyard 2 years ago and we have been able to enjoy it without being bit by mosquitos all day long. The TMC guys are always on time and helpful when we have questions.

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We really enjoy many of the articles in @GoodLifeFamily Magazine

Posted on Sep 20, 2020  •  Facebook

Tarrant County Public Health Administration

Posted on Sep 03, 2020  •  Facebook

"Dallas County is seeing considerably more West Nile Virus activity compared with last year. It is very important to follow the four D's to protect yourself from mosquito bites and West Nile Virus", said Dr. Philip Huang, Director of DCHHS (Dallas County Health and Human Services).

Posted on Sep 03, 2020  •  Facebook

NEVER HAVE I EVER.posted a video with Bill Gates speaking about mosquitoes. #mosquito. #GatesFoundation. #BillGates. #TexasMosquitoCo ntrol. www. TexasMosqui

Posted on Jul 09, 2020  •  Facebook

I guess that mosquitoes are all over the world. #mosquitoesnomor e Check out this Mistaway brochure. Please comment on this post with your guess as to what language this is printed in. I have no idea how to translate, but Texas Mosquito Control is the best at installing and servicing automatic.

Posted on Jul 07, 2020  •  Facebook

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