PJC & Associates, Inc. (PJC) is a geotechnical engineering and consulting firm that has been in business since 1990. PJC & Associates, Inc. has a professional staff that has extensive experience in the fields of geology, engineering geology, and hydrogeology. We can evaluate and address potential geologic and seismic hazards that affect your projects. Our geological services include slope stability analysis, erosion evaluations, Alquist-Priolo fault rupture studies, groundwater availability studies, septic system feasibility, geological reconnaissance, geologic hazard evaluations, and more.
PJC & Associates, Inc. (PJC) is a geotechnical engineering and consulting firm that has been in business since 1990. PJC provides full geotechnical services and special inspection services, including concrete, reinforcing, welding, shear wall nailing, anchor bolt, bolt torque and masonry inspections, as wells as soils testing, materials testing to government agency capital improvements and to the private sector. The owner, Patrick J. Conway, has 29 years of geological and geotechnical experience.
Geotechnical engineering projects typically begin with a review of background information such as previously completed geotechnical engineering and geologic reports, project plans, specifications and other pertinent data. Following the initial office studies a subsurface exploration is performed to assess the underlying site geologic conditions. Soil and bedrock samples are collected and transported to our laboratory for analysis and testing. Laboratory testing is performed to assess the nature and behavior of soils and bedrock.