At Lone Star Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC our priority is you, the customer. We focus on getting the air conditioning or heating job done right the first time. Our work is not only dependable, but also affordable. We help you create and maintain a healthy indoor climate in your home or commercial building. Using our high-efficiency and Energy Star® rated HVAC and air filtration systems, you'll use less energy, cut down on utility costs and live and work in comfortable interior spaces year-round.
No other single system in your home plays a larger role in your comfort or how much your utility bill will be than your heating system. We specialize in cost-effective high-efficiency heating solutions, including Natural Gas, furnaces, boilers, and gas and electric heat pumps. We also provide annual maintenance agreements that help ensure your system is running at peak performance. In climates like ours, in San Antionio TX, a high-efficiency central air conditioning system can keep your whole house comfortable while keeping utility costs low.
We provide full-service HVAC maintenance to San Antonio TX and the surrounding area, with dedicated staff to ensure ongoing system maintenance, warranty compliance and quick repair. Our Maintenance Agreements can keep your building operating costs low and ensure you get the most from this asset. Whether you need full or partial HVAC system replacement, our experts at Lone Star Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC can deliver. We will install and/or design any type of heating, cooling or air filtration system that you require in your light commercial building.