Our newest generation of agreements fully encompasses your service needs for both heating and cooling. Our 3rd Generation Service & Energy Conservation Agreement Plans offer improved parts protection, new cooling options, part discounts and more. As always, automatic delivery, TankSure, preferred labor rates and guaranteed 24 hour service is standard. Our propane line insurance policy guards against the malfunction or possibility that something can happen to your propane supply line. This is the line that comes from our tank to your existing supply lines.
Our Service Department can select, design, install and maintain all types of commercial heating and cooling equipment. Oil, gas and steam are all core competencies. We have access to heavy equipment such as heavy load forklifts, cranes and other specialty equipment. Call our Service Department today for your next installation of system upgrade, we look forward to competitively pricing your next project! The installation of a 20 gallon per hour high pressure liquid propane vaporizer for a 100kW generator installation at an equipment fabrication and process plant.
Home owners burn #2 home heating oil. This very refined oil product burns about 400 degrees hotter than natural gas. Oil heats faster, maintains temperature better, and because it burns so hot.you consume less fuel! Home heating oil burns at about 85% and higher efficiency due to modern technology. A recent study at Brookhaven National Laboratory said that with regular maintenance, and a modern oil burning system, it will produce virtually no soot. Home heating oil is very safe because it does not explode in its liquid form.