Whether you are commercial art gallery or a home art collector with numerous wall hangings and other forms of art, ,O ur services will create gallery track lighting, directional lighting, miniature LED and halogen lights for display cases, and wall washers for both indoor or outdoor works of art to name a few. While private collectors have specific lighting needs, art galleries need more than just art lighting. Exit signs, emergency lights, transformers, light filters, etc. are important lighting accessories for commercial art spaces.
No Project is too big, our Conquest ElectricalServices assure the expert installation, maintenance, and repair of your commercial, retail, and industrial business space. We have access to any equipment needed to make sure the job gets done. No space is out of reach. We also maintain and operate aerial "bucket trucks" that allow us to service, repair, or replace your elevated lighting, wires, and other hard-to-reach equipment.
Lindsey Adelman creates quivering tree-like lighting installation for Nike https://t.co/WVJlc9ZNiK
Larose Guyon’s New Sculptural Lighting Is Like An Illuminated Necklace https://t.co/UdNT9ZomdO
Let’s light up your storefront ! https://t.co/VU5douJDyK
What a great idea ! Visit https://t.co/OewIRXJTGr for more great ideas ! https://t.co/DNcQh95C6X
24/7 Weekend Emergency Service ! Call 347-219-5931 to speak to us now https://t.co/U9zkL68Z2M
Conquest Electric doing work at a Louis Vuitton Store in NYC https://t.co/s9o54NjgLM
https://t.co/Dhq3F0vMjp Great read about lighting projects and some great insider tips !
Lighting doesn’t have to be boring. Call us to hear our ideas! https://t.co/kf4qkOWzzb
Creative lighting at its finest! Wow what a piece ! https://t.co/ck0GnC2sJh