My general contractor recommended this firm to replace windows in my house. What I like that there was no sales pressure when selecting windows. They gave me a very good price. Windows come in three weeks, and they did installation in three days (that included retrofit of 12 old aluminum frame windows and new-construction replacement of two sliding doors). The job quality was. We needed to get 2 sliding doors replaced in our house. We contacted Shota who came in and gave a very quick and thorough assessment of what is wrong with our current installations and provided various options.
Create the ultimate view with an array of window styles to open up your living space & let natural light in. www.generalbcon #WindowInstallat ions #VinylWindowInst allations #NewVinylWindows #Milpitas
Our contractors are always here to help you decide which window is best for your needs and budget. Contact us today! www.generalbcon contact #WindowReplaceme nt #NewWindows #VinylWindows #NewWindowInstal lations
We offer a variety of door styles and configurations to customize any indoor space. Visit our website for more info. www.generalbcon doors #ReplacementWind owsAndDoors #WindowsAndDoors NearMe #Cupertino
Whether you need a door installation or door replacements, General B Contractor can handle any door project for your home www.generalbcon windows #FrontDoorReplac ement #FrenchDoorRepla cement #PatioDoorReplac ement #MountainView #ReplacementWind owsAndDoors
Have you seen our reviews? People love us! Check them out here: https:// www.generalbcont testimonials #ReplacementDoor s #NewDoors #DoorInstallatio nServices #SlidingDoorRepl acement #SanJose
Check out our gallery on our website to see what kind of work we've done.…
We proudly serve Marin County, Campbell, Cupertino, Milpitas, Mountain View, Santa Clara, San Jose, and Sunnyvale.…
Our team has worked with homeowners and designers to produce new windows and doors we know you'll love!…
General B Contractor specializes in the installation, selling, and replacement of windows and doors.…
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