Same Day Appointments: Call Us at 617 816-9487We are a team of Professional Lice Removal Specialists headed by a School Nurse. Every family is treated in a private roomPlenty of free parking. Directions >>We do free school wide educational presentations for students, parents and teachers. Why NitWits? The NitWits Difference >>Our trademarked OMG Lice Comb is the best lice comb available. The OMG Lice Comb strips nits and lice out of the hair. Based on our years of hands-on experience we have developed our own all organic, pesticide-free, lice treatment products, OMG Head Lice Treatment Solution and OMG Head Lice Shampoo.
NitWits Lice Removal Boston on #Google
Happy Thanksgiving to our many Nitwits Clients @ Nitwits Intelligent Lice Treatment
Can anyone guess what this bug is? Clue: it is not head lice and it can be found in New England! @ Truro, Massachus…