Riepenhoff Landscape, Ltd. has been designing, building & maintaining quality landscapes throughout Central Ohio since 1974. Our staff has trained professionals for every aspect of landscaping. Whatever your landscape needs, we're able to provide you with a perfect solution. At Riepenhoff Landscape, Ltd. we take pride in everything we do. Our landscape architects, technicians, fabricators and horticulturists are experienced, well trained, and their work meets our most demanding specifications. Only the highest quality landscape materials are incorporated in our projects.
We understand the uniqueness of every project that we have the honor of being a part of. Our landscape professionals are ready to assist with any challenge you may be facing during the design process. We encourage you to contact us to start designing your next unique landscape. Our friendly customer service representatives are committed to answering all your questions and meeting any need you may have.
My son drowned 3 days ago. His limp, gray, lifeless body was pulled from the pool and it was every mother's worst nightmare. He was dead. I heard screaming, and after a minute realized the screaming was coming from me. I watched in slow motion as people rushed to him, as he was laid on the concrete, .
Some of our Snow Warriors pause for a photo during the seemingly, never-ending battle to keep the sidewalks clear and safe. Thanks, guys!
Why isn't my Hydrangea blooming? This short video may help take some of the mystery out of that question. #riepenhofflands cape #columbuslandsca pe #hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are not all created equal. Here is a quick breakdown of the various types of Hydrangea available to us here in Central Ohio. #riepenhofflands cape #columbuslandsca pe #hydrangeas
April Fools' Day began in the 1500s when the Gregorian calendar took over from the Julian. Those who forgot the change and attempted to celebrate New Year's (previously celebrated on the 1st of April) on the wrong date were teased as "April fools." #riepenhofflands cape #columbuslandsca pe #.