Our innovative and unique approach to lawn care gives you a thick, green, healthy lawn you have always wanted, while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for future generations. Applying fertilizer and weed control to your lawn will help grow deep, strong roots giving you the deep green color and weed free lawn you've always wanted. Organic fertilizer offers strong and healthy plant growth while dramatically reducing the amount of chemicals necessary to provide customers with the healthy turf and plant results they expect-all while making the environment a better place for all of us!
Sharp Lawns has been serving the Youngstown and surrounding area since 1998. Our lawn care services are guaranteed to deliver exceptional results. With our lawn fertilization and weed control services, you'll discover that Sharp Lawns executes every task neatly, efficiently, and with a minimum of disruption to you, your family or your property. Our goal is to save you time, frustration and money. By working together, we can give you a lawn that we both can be proud of. The goal of Sharp Lawns is to provide a professional service with a personal touch.
Sharp Lawns is hiring a lawn fertilizing technician
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Early morning salt run #nomoreice https://t.co/lO2yL8pYF2
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