We are locally owned and operated. Our experienced lawn care professionals will evaluate your lawn and provide a high quality year round service for a reasonable price. Our total program is designed to give your lawn proper amounts of fertilizer, weed and surface insect control throughout the growing season using integrated pest management techniques. Our regular round applications are applied every five to ten weeks starting in early Spring and continuing through late Fall. Additional applications, like grub control, may be applied near or at the same time as one of our regular applications.
We will treat your lawn with a fertilizer and pre-emergent crabgrass control. Complete 100% control of crabgrass can only be achieved by having a thick dense turf of improved grass, in conjunction with a pre-emergent crabgrass control. Preventative grub/billbug control will be applied from late April through June for those customers choosing this optional service. It may be applied near, or at the same time as one of your regular applications. We highly recommend this preventative control for all lawns.