Welcome to the official website of Custom Lawns of North Ridgeville, Ohio. The first thing you should know is that Custom Lawns is committed to providing top-quality lawn care service. Our company philosophy is based on your complete satisfaction with our company and with your lawn. We specialize in the care of established lawns, including lawn fertilization, lawn weed and insect control, and lawn aeration. For a healthier, greener, more weed-free lawn in North Olmsted, Olmsted Falls, Westlake OH, and surrounding areas, Custom Lawns is your best value in professional lawn care!
Since 1977, our customized lawn care programs have helped keep lawns in Olmsted Falls, Westlake, and surrounding areas healthy, green and beautiful all year long. In addition to our basic lawn care services, we provide treatment for grubs, fungus, diseases, and compacted soil. View our full list of optional services below. Power core aeration is one of the most important cultural practices available for your lawn. Aeration helps control thatch, improves the soil structure, helps create growth pockets for new roots, and opens the way for water and fertilizer to get into the root zone of your lawn.
Since 1977, Custom Lawns has been providing superior lawn care services to residents of Westlake, Olmsted Falls OH, and the surrounding areas. Our lawn care programs protect your lawn and keep it healthy. Programs designed for your lawn's special needs ensure optimal health. Your lawn is an important part of the character and beauty of your home. With our expertise, we can dial in the best possible program for your lawn and your budget. Get the lawn you've always wanted and contact us for a free lawn evaluation today.
Thanks to @gregson_clark_ sprayers for our new spray tank! #lawncare #greenlawns #weedfreelawn #turfcare
Thank you everyone for a great year!
This was the view at our office yesterday morning. It was great to have one sunny day
Dear Friends, Customers, and Family of Custom Lawns