The tree services we can provide for your property include tree limbing, tree removal, tree pruning, tree trimming, and more. Our work can help sustain the health of trees on your property by removing dead or diseased limbs. We can also beautify these trees by thinning them or changing their size. Our work can help provide the look you want for your property and add value.
If you love having trees on your property and want to maintain their health for years to come, you need to look into tree pruning. M & M Tree Service provides expert tree pruning services for property owners in Portland, ME and the surrounding areas. Tree pruning is designed to help trees maintain their health, structure, and beauty. Tree pruning can be handled in a number of different ways. Tree pruning can include the removal of dead, sick, or weak branches, as well as the removal of specific branches to create a thinner appearance or move branches out of harm's way.
M & M Tree Service uses the safest and most effective tree removal techniques to remove problem trees from your property. Trees that are in trouble and need to be removed will show signs such as dead and hanging branches, spreading fungi around the base, large cracks in the trunk, peeling bark, and noticeable cavities in the trunk. If you spot any of these signs in your trees, call M & M Tree Service immediately. When sick or dying trees are left standing, they are a threat to fall at any time. They could smash through windows and destroy property underneath them.