RS2 Architects was founded in 2006 by Erick Roldan and Chuck Seen. We share a combined experience of over 25 years in all phases of architecture service, and are all licensed architects. We have successfully completed numerous residential, commercial, municipal, aquatic and recreational projects. Our current focus is residential remodeling and room additions, as well as the adaptive reuse of older commercial structures. We enjoy projects that involve the older homes in the communities that surround Wheaton.
@BeerCheeseTour @earick @roguescholarAJT @slosey73 @BestDesignProj @DougHol38957332 @OJTriforce @PrairiePathBook…
@DougHol38957332 @NetworkOval @Aqua_Design_Int @DougDougholmes @ConickLaw @earick @c_loeza @CodyPeart5…