Fall is the time to save on our chimney services! Get a comprehensive chimney cleaning for only $315, which covers 1 fireplace, smoke chamber and flue. Call today to schedule your cleaning. From Chimney Rebuilding to Chimney Liners, Chimney Caps, and other Chimney and Fireplace Repair Services. Smokestacks Chimney Service offers outstanding customer service and quality of work! Fireplaces can add a touch of elegance and old-world charm to any home. But when a fireplace is not working right, often people will not use the fireplace or people will seek solutions that are not appropriate for burning safely.
A Milwaukee chimney sweep should be a regular part of your home maintainence routine. Having your Waukesha chimney swept is a vital process to protect your home from the possibility of a chimney fire occurring. A chimney sweep removes the combustible deposits called soot or creosote from your chimney by either brushing or using another mechanical tool to sweep the soot or creosote down. If you don't have your chimney swept or inspected often and you continue to use it, there is a greater chance of you experiencing a chimney fire.
A chimney inspection is an evaluation of the chimney and/or fireplace system. Inspections are an important part of your annual chimney/fireplace maintenance routine. A chimney inspection can reveal dangerous defects in your fireplace and chimney systems. Chimney inspections are valuable also when buying a house or selling a house as a fireplace chimney inspection by a Waukesha Chimney Inspector can alert you to potential problems in your Milwaukee fireplace chimney. There can be many different areas of inspection for your particular chimney/fireplace.
There are many types of chimney liners available on the market. Clay tile, aluminum and stainless steel are just a few. Smoke Stacks installs Milwaukee and Waukesha stainless steel chimney liners because they are the industry standard for relining chimneys. Stainless steel is very durable and can resist the corrosive flue gases emitted by home heating appliances. All of the stainless steel flue liners that Smoke Stacks, Inc. come with a lifetime manufacturer warranty. It is important to note that proper sizing of your Milwaukee chimney liner is critical for the chimney to draft correctly.
Providing honest and expert chimney and fireplace services to the residents of cities such as Fox Point, Shorewood, Whitefish Bay, and Merton for years. Call (262) 797-8181 today for your estimate from Smoke Stacks Inc., Chimney and Fireplace Repair Service! For years, people throughout the greater Milwaukee and Waukesha areas have been turning to Smoke Stacks, Inc. for their chimney repair and relining needs. At Smoke Stacks, Inc. we believe that attention to detail, professional work, courteous service and honest prices are the qualities that make the difference.
Milwaukee chimney water leaks can be caused by a number of things. Poor flashings, bad mortar joints and brick, cracked crowns, or even improper sizing of the flue for gas appliances. No one wants water leaking into the house and causing damage. Smoke Stacks, Inc. can solve your chimney leak once and for all, so call and schedule your Waukesha chimney leak diagnosis today! Chimneys can leak for various reasons, and many times those reasons can baffle even the most experienced contractor. Leaking chimneys are one of the most common service calls we get.
Chimney rebuilding is usually suggested with the bricks, stones, mortar, or other masonry has lost it's structural integrity. Spalling, cracking, or deterioration of the brick and loss of adhesion andr /or wear of the mortar joints compromise the chimney and can allow water to leak in, or even pieces of the chimney to fall off! There are many reasons that you might need your chimney rebuilt. Loose or deteriorating bricks, stones or mortar can not only be unsightly, it can also be dangerous. At Smoke Stacks, we have seen the first hand consequences of not repairing your chimney.