Portable fire extinguishers are part of the balanced fire protection plan when selected for the type(s) of hazard present, installed correctly, regularly inspected and maintained, and when the potential end user has been trained how to operate it. Water-based fire sprinkler systems provide automatic fire suppression for protection from a fire that has grown beyond the incipient stage. Most times the sprinkler system prevents the fire spreading to other areas of the building, a valuable element in the balanced fire protection plan.

When property and lives are on the line, it would be difficult to trust fire safety to a few extinguishers alone. While sprinkler systems that spray water down in case of smoke or excessive heat performed admirably in office parks and general warehouses, locations with more volatile materials on hand need something extra. Fire suppression systems offer unique ways of delivering firefighting chemicals to exactly where they need to go in the case of a flare up. This does not mean fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems should be ignored.

When considering a complete system of fire protection services, contacting professionals with the experience and knowledge necessary makes sense. A fire extinguisher that works well for regular material fires may suit an office space but would be woefully inadequate in a vehicle paint shop or industrial chemical plant. The necessary protection services encompass many types of fire and life safety protection systems and equipment that work together to provide maximum coverage for an entire building or property.

Without testing your Fire Sprinkler systems for MIC, there is really know way to tell how long your system will last or how long it would be until it needs to be replaced. Is it functioning properly right now? Will it protect the property as designed and installed? What is MIC and how do you know if you have a MIC problem? MIC stands for Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion causing bacterium. There are three main types of bacteria that accelerate corrosion in fire sprinkler piping. Corrosion in fire sprinkler piping starts with the presence of water, iron, and oxygen.

Fire sprinkler systems provide superior coverage for all types of buildings, from commercial to residential. Most people understand them to be systems of pipes that spray water down into a room in the event of a fire. Modern fire sprinkler systems are designed and engineered by highly trained individuals, using the latest techniques and programs for fire prevention and suppression. Designing and engineering a proper sprinkler system requires using the right system for the right application. There are several different types of fire sprinkler systems that ca be used.

What's new?

We will be closed this Friday, January 24, 2020 from 12:00PM to 5:00PM to volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank.

Posted on Jan 22, 2020  •  Facebook

Are you up to date on your annual inspections? Let us help you out! Our full-service company can handle alarms, monitoring, sprinklers, extinguishers and more! www.metrosafety andfire.com

Posted on Jan 16, 2020  •  Facebook

On the last day of this decade, I have been thinking about what I want to take with me into the next decade. This is a visual representation of the unnecessary excess we accumulate. These are easy things to give up! Silverware - 59, moist wipes - 39, syrup - 1, sweeteners - 146, chop sticks - 12,...

Posted on Dec 31, 2019  •  Facebook

So that our employees can enjoy time with their families, our office will be closed December 24th and December 25th… https://t.co/dRIpdH8xez

Posted on Dec 23, 2019  •  Twitter

Impromptu Snowball Fight at the Office #UglySweaterDay #holidays #holidayspirit #officeparty #snowball… https://t.co/vApMLht4GO

Posted on Dec 20, 2019  •  Twitter

3 feet is a good rule of thumb to follow to keep your hydrants accessible. #firesafety #fire #firehydrants… https://t.co/E5tfXNlevV

Posted on Dec 10, 2019  •  Twitter

Happy Holidays! Are you ready for the cold weather with your sprinkler and fire systems? If not, give us a call! (5… https://t.co/EvWe21CRs0

Posted on Dec 06, 2019  •  Twitter

Be safe this holiday season & make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy while cooking! Our office will be close… https://t.co/aGVCu5NcTJ

Posted on Nov 27, 2019  •  Twitter

Make sure you read NFPA's Thanksgiving safety tips will help ensure your family has a fire-safe holiday | NFPA… https://t.co/kE7Z0uUQxu

Posted on Nov 26, 2019  •  Twitter

Our office may have to have a competition to see who can come up with the best Mad Lib. 😂😂😂 https://t.co/vyk7uXnxJ2

Posted on Nov 25, 2019  •  Twitter

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