Franklin PUD's Engineering Department has a broad range of responsibilities. For instance, our Field Engineers maintain records and maps of all facilities throughout our service area. This means they know where all our poles, transformers, wiring, meters, street and security lights are located. Design engineering for new line extensions to homes, businesses and irrigation pumps as well as improvements to the distribution system are also important functions of our Engineers. They meet with customers to review construction plans and inspect customer installations for conformance to specifications.
Franklin PUD is pleased to provide affordable Security Lighting to our customer-owners. To participate, simply call the PUD engineering department at (509) 547-0556 to arrange an on site meeting with a Field Engineer to determine if the service is available in your area, and the light location and direction. 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights are available to residential, general service, and irrigation customers. Lights may be added only to existing accounts. Bills will be computed at monthly or bimonthly intervals.
The following information is to assist you, our customer-owners, in acquiring commercial electrical service as economically and with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. Please call the Engineering office at 547-0556 for an appointment to review your plans with a field engineer. If temporary power is required, PUD will need to discuss availability, applicable charges for District construction, and the approximate date when temporary power will be needed. To give you a good idea of how your project will proceed, we've briefly outlined below the items normally provided by the PUD and those that are the customer/contractor's responsibility.
If you are building a new home or business in the Franklin PUD service area, our Engineering staff will provide various services to make it easier for you. The following is a general summary only. You are encouraged to consult the Engineering Department concerning charges for your specific project. This is a revised service fee schedule that Franklin PUD uses and is a template for typical services. Altered services could vary, so it is best to consult with one of our field engineers on the specifics of your project.
At various times we have the need for Architectural, Engineering, and/or other Professional Services. At least once a year we publish a notice of the existence of the Professional Services Roster and solicit a Statement of Qualifications from businesses asking for placement on such roster. Engineering work may include the design of various distribution, transmission, and substation projects for the District's electrical plant or other engineering requirements on an as-needed basis. Other Professional Services may include the need for cost of service and rate design work, engineering studies, pre-design and construction services, surveying, geotechnical, environmental and soils investigations expertise, energy efficiency savings analysis (including commercial and irrigation energy savings studies), land surveying, landscape architect services, as well as other architect services.
Tree trimming reduces trees' contact with power lines. We hire highly trained and qualified line clearance professionals to perform required work. Only qualified line clearance tree contractors are allowed to work within 10 feet of high voltage lines. Never attempt to prune trees near power lines yourself. If there is any question, call us at 509-546-5975. If the power lines are determined to be low-voltage, we will disconnect and reconnect your secondary electrical service at no cost to you if done during regular working hours to allow you to do the work safely.
I had the opportunity to virtually meet with Benton PUD, Franklin PUD, and Douglas County PUD to discuss several of the issues facing our district from support for the clean and reliable power generated by the Columbia and Snake River dams to opposing the privatization of the Bonneville Power...
With spring right around the corner, consider planting trees and shrubs around your home. A well-designed landscape not only adds beauty to your yard, it can help improve your home’s comfort and lower your energy bills all year long.
Your team runs on school spirit, while your stadium runs on hydropower. Did you know that as a Franklin PUD custome…
Early spring is a great time to start yard projects. Before you dig, be sure to call 8-1-1 or visit their website t…
Thank you Madeleine Hagen TV News for the great story explaining how hydro helps prevent massive outages like the one in Texas and supports our grid in the Pacific Northwest!
Do you want the ease of knowing how much your bill will be each month? Try our Budget Payment Plan. Your monthly bi…
Many people are asking if a power outage similar to the one that occurred in Texas could happen here in the Pacific…
Installing a smart power strip (or, advanced power strip) in your home is an easy way to start saving money while m…
When the sun sets and the wind fades, the river rolls on. #hydropowerflowshere
Hydropower’s many positive attributes, coupled with careful planning and precise management, make this power resour…