Ownby Design is an industry leading luxury interior design firm located in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our main areas of operation are the greater Phoenix area and the Hawaiian Islands. Our mission is to always deliver a flawless product that is a true reflection of the client's vision. We strive to transform everyday living spaces into one-of-a-kind indulgences, with a unique fusion of minimalism and lavishness. Our commitment to detail and budget-saving efficiency makes us one of the most sought after firms in the Valley.
A1: We always try to be influential first in our space (thought leadership!), however social listening is a key component. #IntDesignerChat
A4: Collaboration boards are a good way to brainstorm ideas internally during leisure time spent pinning #IntDesignerChat
A1: Not in a traditional sense. We use Pinterest to showcase how elegance and luxury of our work trancends social platforms #IntDesignerChat
Ownby Design here! Our @Pinterest page is: http://t.co/belRAHHKsf We <3 Pinterest :) #IntDesignerChat
A5: Communication via social media should be the same as anywhere else: professional. Always strive to exude quality/luxury #IntDesignerChat
It can be a decent benchmark, but no actionable value RT @funcolors: A3 What about Klout? Anyone value the K score or not? #IntDesignerChat
A3: One tool particularly useful for Twitter is @TweetDeck #IntDesignerChat
Ownby Design here, hailing from Scottsdale, AZ http://t.co/ntB6P56fPA Excited to talk social media during this week's #IntDesignerChat :)
A5: Himalayan Salt Walls are amazing from an air quality/health perspective. Our blog on them: http://t.co/Zyqwduqk5q #IntDesignerChat