The bathroom is great place to experiment with a new look. From a Simple refresh, to a complete overhaul. Customers want three things: a beautiful relaxing atmosphere, functionality for daily routines and a project that fits their budget. Roelofs Remodeling & Renovation, Inc. was founded in 1966 under the name Ken Roelofs Construction. The company was a high level custom homebuilder with a solid reputation for delivering value to people who wanted to build a new home. As the years passed, both the reputation and the list of satisfied customers grew.
Working with a remodeling and renovation company that's been around that long is like sitting in your favorite chair and getting your shoulders rubbed. Our remodeling and renovation clients work with us because we understand their older home. We know how to respect the architecture; work with the plumbing and electrical systems; balance renovation with remodeling. And we create a remodeling schedule that works with your needs. We make certain you understand exactly what the process is, what's involved, what your responsibility is and what our responsibilities are.
Not everyone needs a totally new kitchen or a new deck. Sometimes you just need new countertops. Or the faucet and cabinet hardware need replacing or you want the old deck railing removed and replaced with something new and contemporary. Or perhaps you have a door or window that won't close properly. Or you need new shelving to make storage more efficient. Roelofs Remodeling Small Projects/Handyman Division can fix what needs fixing with a minimum of frustration and inconvenience. Give us a call.
In the belief that both the consumer and the remodeling contractor will benefit from knowing what their respective warranty rights are, the Remodelors Council of the Twin Cities has prepared this document for its member/contractors to distribute to their customers. The following is a summary of the Minnesota Home Improvement Warranty Law which went into effect January 1, 1982. Your remodeling contractor is the Warrantor under the Minnesota Home Improvement Warranty Law. These warranties are extended to the current owner of the home and are automatically transferred to the new owner when the current owner sells the home.
Design/build is not always a good match for some clients or certain types of projects. Perhaps the project has been designed for you by an out of town architect, or maybe it's a project with too many variables or unknowns to be defined by a fixed price or "stipulated sum contract." With projects of this type, design often occurs while the construction is going on (build the addition, we'll figure out what the kitchen looks like week after next). We can manage a project of this type where the price of the project is based on the cost of all the elements, (materials, labor, sub-contractors) plus a fixed percentage of the cost.
A sump pump fails and a basement gets flooded. Winds blow and a tree falls on the garage. Lighting strikes and a fire starts. When it happens to you, the fear and shock is quickly replaced by, "Whom do I call to get my life back together?" Roelofs Remodeling should be that call! Through the years, we have helped many clients whose homes have been damaged by wind, water or fire. We have the resources to respond quickly to clean, repair or replace whatever has been damaged and get you back to 'normal.'
Design/build was developed in the construction industry as a way to speed the delivery of finished projects. It's a process where design services and construction services are married in one firm. Having an in-house design service creates efficiencies and economies that provide benefits to both you and the remodeling contractor. We bring our design and construction team together at the beginning of the design development process to evaluate your entire wish list. It allows us to bring our interior designer and landscape designer into the process at the start so the entire team is focused on the whole project, not just their specific portion.
Home remodeling and renovation in Lake Calhoun, Lake Minnetonka, Lake Harriet, Minnetonka and South Minneapolis has been our only focus for three generations. The next step in the design process balances your homes existing lines and proportions with your personal likes and lifestyle. In other words, not a single hammer falls until you are comfortable with what you're getting, how much it will cost, and how and when it will get finished. Learn more about our process. Visit our FAQ page or call us at (952) 512-0110.
If you live near a Minneapolis lake, then there's a very good chance that Roelofs Remodeling and Renovation has worked on a house on your block within the past forty years. For three generations, we've been the one-stop-shop for your neighborhood for Design/Build Remodeling, Construction Management, Insurance Restoration and Repair, and Handyman Services. As a Design/Build firm, Jerry Roelofs, the owner of the firm, will consult with you, design the project, and oversee the construction process.
Our free remodeling planners will help you focus your remodeling desires into a series of simple statements that will help you explain to Roelofs Remodeling and Renovation exactly what you want. Either print and fax the planner to Roelofs Remodeling or call them at (952) 512-0110. After your initial meeting in the comfort of your home, their team will use your "word picture" as a basis to begin developing drawings and plans for your project. Remodeling and renovation around Minnetonka, Lake Minnetonka, South Minneapolis, Lake Harriet and Lake Calhoun isn't about boards and plaster and brick.