The name references the "father" half of the father/son ownership, and serves as tribute to all of our fathers. The room is reminiscent of Scott's childhood living room, where his old man Lloyd would sip Miller High Life and the occasional Old Grand-dad (hence our citywide special, which combines a bottle of the beer with a shot of the booze for $6). Please join us for an inviting, relaxed experience where the whiskeys are plentiful, the drafts are (mostly) local, and the expertly-made cocktails are both original and classic.
Working hard on our Spring Cocktail Menu, coming over the next couple of weeks!
CANNED COCKTAILS FOR DAYS! 8 to choose from, come have one under our heaters or take ‘em home with some of our new menu items!
What a day! WE’RE BACK, with this BOOZY BLACKBERRY-THYM E LEMONADE! Enjoy on our patio, or take one on your walk. #fishtown
Re-Opening Wednesday with a Bunch of NEW MENU ITEMS.. like these Cauliflower Tacos with Romesco & Vegan Jalapeño Aioli!