At Prestige Painting we use our experience to develop an approach that helps us deliver a long lasting quality paint job. Here are some general services while working on an exterior painting project. Please refer to the details within your proposal because these services may vary from project to project. Spray painting or brush and roller methods will be used to apply the paint coatings to provide a uniform finish. We inspect the work first before taking your time to do a final walk through. After satisfactory completion, we proved a sign-off sheet to make sure the work has been completed.

Painting your San Diego house can be a very tricky job. It would be easy to just slap some paint on the walls with a paintbrush and a roller, but the results may not be what we expect. What is really difficult is painting the intricate details of your home such as those special moldings, recessed ceilings, special staircase railings etc. This could be a bit tricky to do and may require specialized skills that only a professional painter would have. The advantage of having the interior of your San Diego house is that the painting professional you choose will have the skill and expertise that is needed to make the interior of your home look truly amazing.

What's new? San Diego Painting Contractors

Posted on Aug 16, 2012  •  Twitter

http:// www.prestigepain

Posted on Aug 15, 2012  •  Facebook

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