To improve comfort and lower your energy costs, proper insulation isessential. Due to building practices in the area over the years, manyhomes have minimal insulation. Currently the EPA recommends a minimumof an R49 rating for Midwest Region 5 which includes Illinois. But high efficiency homes are insulated to an R60 rating. We use OwenProPINK Fiberglass Commercial grade blow-in insulation. With energy costs rising dramatically, homeowners want homes that are energy efficient. Owens Corning ProPINK Insulation, is one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to conserve energy and save money on heating and cooling costs.
Services include attic insulation, attic fans, wholehouse fans, insulation removal, attic decontamination, bathroom exhaust fans, roof vents, soffit vents, eave vents, and more. We carry only proven, high quality materials and products. Our services save you money while protecting your home from damage and deterioration that can result from moisture related issues. Proper insulation and attic ventilation will reduce utility bills, minimize moisture issues, extend the life of your heating and air condition systems, and provide more comfortable living spaces.
It may seem counter-intuitive to add insulation for warmth and then purposely allow cool air to enter the attic through vents, but this combination is the key to a durable and energy-efficient home. In winter, allowing a natural flow of outdoor air to ventilate your attic helps keep it cool, which reduces the potential for moisture build up and ultimately ice damming (snow that melts off a roof from an attic that is too warm and then re-freezes at the gutters, causing an ice dam that can damage the roof).
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