Our team at Smithrock Roofing is committed to helping you keep your home in great condition, and that starts with taking care of your roof. If your roof has been damaged and needs repair, or if it’s getting old and needs to be replaced, we encourage you to reach out to our experts to get the services you need. We have over 40 years of combined experience in the roofing industry, so you can count on us to serve you well.
Jonathan Crews— Joe was very knowledgeable and helpful throughout the whole process of getting my
Of all the areas of your home that you need in good working order, your roof is certainly one of them! Without a properly working roof, you can experience problems that range from leaks to mold to anything in between. Here at Mathis Home Improvements, Inc., we want to make sure your roof is in tip-top shape and capable of protecting your Winston-Salem, North Carolina home, which is why we want to be your roofing contractor of choice if you need a roof installation, repair or replacement.
Michael Whitney— Great company who does a great job! New 6 gutters installed beautifully. Service
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