Don’t replace a worn, outdated bathtub –refinish it and score major savings on your bathroom makeover.
Are you holding off on doing a major bathroom makeover because it’s simply too expensive? Do you have a bathtub that’s an eyesore because of its dated color or worn-out finish? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you’re a good candidate for bathtub refinishing/reglazing.
Sometimes referred to as bathtub refinishing/reglazing, this specialized refinishing process restores an existing bathtub to like-new condition, saving you the huge expense and hassle of tearing out and rebuilding your bathroom. Advanced coating technology makes it possible to refinish tubs of all types. If your tub’s original color is pink, blue or another pastel hue from yesteryear, don’t worry; the new finish can be bright white or another more suitable color.
Klein Home Solutions can refinish fiberglass, acrylic, and traditional porcelain tubs in homes throughout Greater Erie.
Bob Jenks— Another outstanding job from Klein Home systems! My wife and i couldn't be more
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