We offer a variety of surfaces, from granite to engineered stone and tile. And with our expert staff, we can assist you in choosing styles and colors for a beautiful, livable kitchen. Whether your kitchen is a place to prepare food or an area to entertain guests-or both-we'll find the right countertop for your budget.
From affordable to elegant, there are blinds, shades or curtains for your room's design. Our associates can help you decide. Blinds allow you to manage the amount of light in your home. Constructed from wood, faux wood, metal and other materials, blinds let in as little or as much light as desired. Window shades are a clean look, with a variety of styles and light control. Decorative curtains can soften a room while highlighting or accenting the design with endless possibilities. Tell us about your needs, and we'll find the right window treatment for you!
Here you'll find premium glazes, rich wood stains, and everything in between. For your dream kitchen or stylish entertainment center, our associates will be happy to help you imagine the possibilities. Then we'll design a plan to fit those dreams.
Use this interactive design tool to bring your idea to life! Simply upload a photo to see our floors transform YOUR room.
Please allow us to introduce the newest member of our team.... Jarrod Wise.Jarrod came to work with us in August and quickly settled into the Shelbyville Paint family. Although we call him our "jack-of-all-tr ades " 😉 his main focus will be cabinet design. Stop in and say hi and let him help you...