Access Floor Specialists can design and install your access flooring project. We provide access flooring solutions for class A office spaces, libraries, cainos health care and higher education facilities, computer rooms and data centers. Access floor provides flexibility and saves owners operating costs. An access floor, coupled with a modular wiring system, under floor air distribution and modular carpeting (Tate's Positile), creates long term savings for the owner and credits for green building or LEED certification.
How often do you think about your data center access floor system? Your access floor is the platform that your most important business' assets set on, and is often a forgotten component to your Mission Critical operation. As the authorized Tate Access Floor contractor for your area, we can offer your company a complete, customized service plan for your access floor. As a somewhat "forgotten" component in your data center, access flooring should be maintained and certifed to insure you that there are no unexpected issues with it's performance.
Historically access floors have come bare or with a high pressure laminate used in data centers. With a bare access floor a finish would need to be field applied, most of the time carpet has been used. Today Tate offers a wide range of finishes. This has moved access floors from the data center to being designed throughout the building. With finish options from Concrete, Porcelain, Wood, and Terrazo you can create the style you want with the long term cost savings of an access floor sytem. Check out all of the finishes Tate offers including its state-of-the-art StoneWorks line.