I'm writing to express my appreciation for your company jumping in and helping us on our Robb & Stuckey project. We would not have turned over the building without your help. Don and your team were there for us when we needed you! PCL Construction Services Inc. would like to thank you for all your efforts during The Wilderness Lodge Guest room and Corridor Renovation Project. The project presented many challenges and the team worked very diligently to overcome all of them. We want to take the opportunity to express our gratitude to you and your team for their performance on the Merritt Island Target Remodel Project.

At International Flooring Inc., it is our mission to be the premier commercial flooring installation company in the region. We complete our projects with the utmost care, dependability, professionalism, and integrity! We use quality materials with skilled installers, who do the job right the first time. We provide a positive and growing environment for our associates; to promote goodwill in our community. The highest quality work is expected on every project. Jobs are completed on time, on budget and with an emphasis on service and support.

What's new?

A well formed team makes a world of a difference 🙌🏻The IFI team has completed another great project ♥️Meeting rooms with milliken carpet tiles and 2 new restrooms with floor and wall tile. #flooringinstall ation #millikencarpet #millikencarpett iles #commercialfloor ing #commercialfloor ingservices #...

Posted on Mar 09, 2021  •  Facebook

🤘Legoland - Pirates Cove Lobby Areas 🧱Great work Team IFI! Check out the pics ⬆️#internationalf looring #piratescove #commercialfloor ing #commercialfloor ingservices #hotelflooring #resortflooringi nstallation #flooringinstall ation #commercialfloor inginstaller

Posted on Mar 02, 2021  •  Facebook

It’s race day 🏁IFI is excited to be part of team #99 @daytona_intern ational_speedwa y

Posted on Feb 20, 2021  •  Facebook

🙌🏻Happy Friday 🎉 When you can’t find the SUNSHINE 👉🏽Be the SUNSHINE ☀️❤️

Posted on Feb 19, 2021  •  Facebook

It’s #TBT - ↪️ IFi is throwing it back to September 2019. Around the World 🌎 at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) event. 👷#associatedbuild ersandcontracto rs #aroundtheworld #commercialfloor ing #commercialconst ruction #flooringexperts #flooringexcelle nce #yourflooringexp erts #hotelflooring #internationalfl ooring

Posted on Feb 18, 2021  •  Facebook

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