Restoration & Waterproofing Contractors, Inc, has offices located in Wichita, Topeka and Kansas City and specializes in waterproofing, caulking, tuckpointing, epoxy injections, gunite and shotcrete, special coatings, and works on all types of structures including historical building repair. Restoration & Waterproofing Contractors, Inc., was incorporated as a Kansas based company in 1974 with many of the founding members still active participants in the firm. The president, and two vice presidents and regional managers and other principal employees have approximately 200 years of combined construction experience.

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Restoration & Waterproofing Contractors used this lift from Foley Rental at the historic Memorial Hall in Topeka, KS. They performed masonry restoration, completing tuck pointing and patching on all four sides of the building over the course of one month.

Posted on Nov 18, 2019  •  Facebook

Our Spring Newsletter is now available online. Read it here, or sign up to get a printed version mailed to you!http:// www.restoration- Newsletters.aspx

Posted on Jun 05, 2018  •  Facebook

As part of our GUARDIAN Program, Restoration & Waterproofing Contractors will provide you with a detailed inspection of your building to check for potential problems before they become a serious threat to the value and strength of your structure. Your building is an investment we can help you preserve.

Posted on May 14, 2018  •  Facebook

If you missed our last E-newsletter, you can read it online on our website, and sign up for our E-news or printed newsletter editions:

Posted on Jan 15, 2018  •  Facebook