St. Vrain Sanitation District provides sewer services for the southern portion of Mead, including Liberty Ranch subdivision and parts of the Sekich BusinessPark. For more information on St. Vrain Sanitation District, please visit their website at
The Town Engineer provides engineering services for the Town of Mead including review, inspection and administration of capital projects as well as the oversight of private land development. Work involves infrastructure related to water, sewer, drainage, roads, bridges and trails. The Town Engineer assures that public infrastructure is designed, built and maintained to Town standards. Other responsibilities include the oversight of oil and gas installations throughout the town. The Town Engineer oversees the Right of Way permitting process in accordance with the Town's Municipal Code Chapter 11.
The Planning & Zoning Department performs a variety of services intended to protect, maintain, and develop an attractive, safe, and healthy environment. Primary functions address property development and land use activities occurring in the town. The Planning and Zoning Department provides direction and leadership in implementing the goals, objectives, and policies of the city as adopted by the Board of Trustees. The Planning & Zoning Department is responsible for reviewing all land use development applications from annexations through final plat.
Don't get caught unprepared! With heavy snow fall predicted this weekend, sign up for Weld County Emergency Alerts at m. Check out the Emergency Preparedness Guide to help you get ready for anything coming our way!
Making summer plans?? Get the jump on summer activities and sign up now. We are currently taking registration for summer t-ball and youth sports camps! Basketball, soccer, baseball and more!
Weld County has been updating the Multi-Jurisdict ional Hazard Mitigation Plan over the last year with the collaboration of local municipalities, and other community organizations and they want your input! To view the plan and the public comment survey go to: https:// departments/ ...
Don't forget about the Board of Trustees meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in Town Hall. Residents can attend in-person or virtually. For the agenda and virtual access information visit: https:// www.townofmead.o rg/ boardoftrustees/ page/ board-trustees-2 6
FUN FACT FRIDAY: The Mead Police Department currently has one Community Service Officer (CSO) that investigates municipal and land use code violations and handles animal control. Our program is geared toward developing positive relationships with the community through education and we strive to gain...
We're looking for an administrative clerk to join our team! Check out our jobs page:
Do you like coffee, snacks, and conversation?? Join Mayor Whitlow this Saturday for Coffee with the Mayor.
Ground breaking for Ziggi's Coffee Headquarters at the northeast corner of Welker and 3rd St. Thanks to everybody w…
In response to the economic shock and employment impact of the pandemic, Employment Services of Weld County has rec…
Did you hear the news? Check out this month's Mead Messenger: