Fiberfenceoffers patented advanced technology in our pultrusion fiberglass fencing systems. Our products are the ultimate in composite and maintenance-free fencing. Our fiberglasscomposite fencingis a premium-quality fencing solution that provides ultimate strength and beauty. We offer standard looks and sizes, as well as any customized fencing you may need. Fiberfenceis one source, one-of-a-kindnon-conductive fence. It imitates the look of wood or steel, and its durable and corrosion-free materials make a perfect basis for any long-term security application.
F&F Composite Group is proud to be one of the few American companies producing pultruded fiberglass products, and one of the only in the world, producing 100% pultruded fiberglass fencing. Our original designs entered the market in 1995 and spread throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, then the state of Texas, and finally throughout the country. Today, our patented Fiberfence composite fencing from Texas has helped us expand our reach internationally. Every F&F Composite Group product is made with creative projects in mind.
Fiberfence products, including our composite privacy fence, ornamental pickets, and rails, have set an industry standard for strength longevity. However, how did we achieve this level of quality? The secret is our products' high glass content, as well as the pultrusion manufacturing method. Pultrusion fiberglass manufacturing is the process by which fiberglass products are made using a straight line, 100 foot-long machine. Various glass products, such as roving, are pulled through a resin bath loaded with a chemical formula to make our patented composite products.
This type imitates wood fencing and is offered in a variety of standard and custom colors. Choose from 4" or 6" wide vertical pickets. The panels are assembled using aluminum pop rivets. The panels and pickets are attached to any regular post that might be used for a wood fence, but we recommend steel or fiberglass matching posts. Our composite privacy fence may be ordered in any height with panels in any width or ordered by the piece. Standard colors for privacy fencing are brown, beige, gray, taupe, black, and white.
Your imagination is the limit when it comes to configuring Fiberfence. Also, you will be glad to know that our engineers are always available to answer your questions, provide support, and guide you through the assembly and maintenance of your ornamental fence in Texas. Major cities and institutions throughout the country are using F&F Composite Group's technology, including the US Navy, Airforce, Army, and FAA. Unlike many companies in our industry, we design and build our own products, as well as patent them-in fact, we hold more than 38 patents in the United States.
When you're looking for a way to add security, beauty, and value to your property, trust Fiberfence. Our ornamental fences and gates in Texas blend aesthetics with great pricing and exceptional performance to deliver the look you want and the durability you deserve. Visually emulating popular materials like wrought iron and steel, our unique products outperform these traditional favorites for homes, businesses, and government facilities of all kinds. We offer 4', 6', and 8' standard heights, standard black color, and three top styles.