With three times the life and almost four times the strength of typical low tensile fencing, your Stay-Tuff Fixed Knot fence will stand strong for generations. High tensile wire, a solid vertical stay wire, and a tight Fixed Knot provide exceptional strength and allow you to use far fewer posts, saving time and money. And our superior wire coatings ensure this fence will stand the test of time. You owe it to yourself and your family to invest in a Stay-Tuff Fence.
Stay-Tuff manufactures a variety of fencing solutions that are designed to meet the specific needs and challenges of our customers. We realize that no one fence can meet all of your needs, so we have provided some helpful tips to consider while shopping for your fence. The Fixed-Knot fence is our flagship product. It provides exceptional strength and allows for flexible uses and ease of installation. It comes in the many sizes and spacing appropriate for cattle, deer, goats, hogs, horses, bison, elk, sheep, and dogs, and can even be used in security applications.